
Journal Contents No. 65

The Centenary Of The Western Australian Goldfields

Richard Hartley
Bewick Moreing in Western Australian Gold Mining 1897-1904: Management Policies and Goldfields Responses

Andrew Reeves
Yours ‘tll the War of Classes is Ended’: OBU Organisers on Western Australian Eastern Goldfields

Patrick Bertola
Tributers and Gold Mining in Boulder: 1918-1934


Marcus James
The Struggle Against Silicosis in the Australian Mining Industry: the Role of the Commonwealth Government, 1920-1950

Charles Fahey
‘Abusing the horses and exploiting the labourer’: The Victorian agricultural and pastoral labourer, 1871-1911

Peter Sheldon
‘System and Strategy’: The Changing Shape of Unionism among NSW Construction Labourers, 1910-19

Joanne ScottA Place in Normal Society: Unemployed Protest in Queensland in the 1930s

Matthew Allen
The Refrain of History: Histor(iograph)y of the Australian conscription debate, November 1941

Luli Callinicos
Labour History and Worker Education in South Africa

Historical Debate

David Kent and Norma Townsend
Deborah Oxley’s ‘Female Convicts’: An Accurate View of Working-Class Women?

Deborah OxleyReply to Townsend and Kent

Conference Reports

The Newcastle ASSLH Conference

The Third ASSLH National Conference – Newcastle, 24-27 June 1993
Philip Deery

‘Carnival and Unity’
Ewen Maidment and Raj Jadeja

A ‘Celebration of History’
Vera Deacon

Exhibition Reviews

Trust the Women
Frank Bongiorno

On the Waterfront: Wharfies, Artists, Actors
Eddie Butler-Bowdon


E P Thompson
Andrew Milner

Book Reviews

Eric Fry, An Airman Far Away: The Story of an Australian Dambuster (John Shields).

Jim Hagan and Ken Turner, A History of the Labor Party in New South Wales, 1891- 1991;Graham Freudenberg, Cause for Power.. The Official History of the New South Wales Branch of the Australian Labor Party (Duncan Waterson).

Peter Beilharz, Labour’s Utopia -‘s: Bolshevism, Fabianism, Social Democracy (Rick Kuhn).

Claire Williams with Bill Thorpe, Beyond Industrial Sociology.. The Work of Men and Women (Ian Watson).

Patricia Clarke and Dale Spender(eds), Life Lines: Australian Women’s Letters and Diaries, 1788 to 1840 (Paula J. Byrne).

Jutta Schwarzkopf, Women in the Chartist Movement (Mandy Leveratt).

Bob Reece(ed), Irish Convicts: The Origins of Convicts Transported to Australia (Sandy Blair).

Sharon Morgan, Land Settlement in Early Tasmania: Creating an Antipodean Erg-land (Norma Townsend).

Roger Milliss, Waterloo Creek: The Australia Day Massacre of 1838, George Gipps and the British Conquest of New South Wales (Bill Thorpe).

M.A. Stephenson and Suri Ratnapala(eds), Mabo: A judicial Revolution (Andrew Markus).

Jan Bassett,Guns and Brooches.. Australian Army Nursing from the Boer War to the Gulf War (Judith Smart).

Bradley Bowden, Driving Force: The History of the Transport Workers’ Union of Australia, 1883 – 1992 (Braharn Dabscheck).

Baruch Hirson and Lorraine Vivian, Strike Across the Empire.. The Seamen’s Strike of 1925, in Britain, South Africa and Australasia (Frank Broeze).

Susanna Short, Laurie Short.. A Political Life (Michael Hess).

Gary P. Freeman and James Jupp(eds), Nations of Immigrants: Australia, the United States and International Migration (Michael Quinlan).

Stephen Castles, Caroline Alcorso, Gaetano Rando, Ellie Vasta(eds), Australia’s Italians: Culture and Community in a Changing Society (Richard Bosworth).

Roger Magraw, A History of the French Working Class: Volume II, Workers and theBourgeois Republic, 1871-1939 (Martyn Lyons).

Marcella Corsi, Division of Labour, Technical Change and Economic Growth (Nell Hart).