Labour History No. 113 – November 2017

Edited by Diane Kirkby and Sophie Loy-Wilson

View Abstracts

Diane Kirkby and Sophie Loy-Wilson

What Is the “Coolie Question”?
Moon-Ho Jung

Stabilising Violence in Colonial Rule: Settlement and the Indentured Labour Trade in Queensland in the 1870s
Tracey Banivanua Mar

From Slavery to Freedom: Chinese Coolies on the Sugar Plantations of Nineteenth Century Cuba
Evelyn Hu-DeHart

The Coolie Labour Crisis in Colonial Queensland
Phil Griffiths

Bound for Slavery? A Quaker Humanitarian Critique of Waged Labour at Koloa Plantation, Hawaii, 1836
Audrey Peyper

Preserving the Contract: The Experience of Indentured Labourers in the Wide Bay and Burnett Districts in the Nineteenth Century
Margaret Slocomb

Reframing Chinese Labour Rights: Chinese Unionists, Pro-Labour Societies and the Nationalist Movement in Melbourne, 1900–10
Mei-fen Kuo

Coolies or Comrades? Labor Socialism and the Contradictions of Internationalism, 1909–22
Liam Byrne

Sexuality, Nationalism, and ‘Race’: Humanitarian Debate about Indian Indenture in Fiji, 1910–18
Fiona Paisley

Indian Seamen and Australian Unions Fighting for Labour Rights: ‘The Real Facts of the Lascars’ Case’ of 1939
Diane Kirkby and Lee-Ann Monk