In 2009 the Perth Branch hosted the 11th National Labour History Conference, Labour History in the New Century. The conference drew participants from interstate and overseas. Peter Frank’s report on the conference, published in Labour History, no. 97, can be accessed here.
The conference resulted in the publication of Labour History in the New Century (Black Swan Press).
Spanning more than a century of history, the collection indicates increasing emphases placed by labour historians of the 21st century on Australia in an international context; the value of comparing aspects of Australian labour history with that of such ʻsimilarʼ societies as Britain and Canada, and also of gaining ʻnon-Angloʼ perspectives. The book is edited by Bobbie Oliver, a Senior Lecturer at Curtin University of Technology. She has published several books and papers on labour history in Western Australia. The other contributing authors range from labour activists to academic historians and from post-graduate students to professors.
Labour History in the New Century is available for purchase from Black Swan Press.