Remembering Stuart Macintyre – 2 day symposium
24-25 February – Arts West North Tower Room 253 – The University of Melbourne
Online and in person. Free.
Remembering Stuart Macintyre: Historian, Mentor, Colleague (February 24–25, 2022)

Professor Stuart Macintyre (1947-2021) was one of Australia’s most outstanding historians and public intellectuals. An extraordinarily prodigious scholar, his scholarship covered many fields including the history of social movements, Australian public policy, intellectual history and labour history. Stuart was an inspiring teacher and PhD supervisor and mentor; his generous support of the careers of others was a gift from which many have benefited over several decades. He made an enormous contribution to the history profession and to Australian intellectual life more broadly.
This two-day symposium honours and celebrates Stuart’s extraordinary contributions across many scholarly fields and topics. It is timed to coincide with the publication of his final book, The Party: The Communist Party of Australia from heyday to reckoning (Allen and Unwin, 2022) published in February 2022. (Available https://nibs.org.au/onlinebooks/vu63ebuvtnvwei3x99kp9o66qk6qa7)
In person: The University of Melbourne. Room 253, Arts West Building (North Wing).
Download the Program here.

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