
Annual General Meeting

5pm Friday 27 November 2009
Room 214/215 Economics and Business Building H69
Codrington Street, Darlington, University of Sydney

The AGM agenda includes the presentation of reports from the President, Secretary, Treasurer, the Editor of Labour History; and Branch representatives, followed by the election of office bearers for 2009/10 and general business.

Other items that may come up for discussion are:

  • the 2011 National Labour History Conference
  • the 50th anniversary in 2011 of the establishment of the Society

To be eligible to vote at the AGM, you must either be a current member of ASSLH’s federal society or a member of any ASSLH branch. (Branch members are automatically members of the federal society.) For  information about joining, visit our membership page.

Please contact the Secretary (Nikola Balnave) with any additional items for the AGM agenda:

Annual Dinner

7pm Friday 27 November 2009
Rowda Ya Habibi Lebanese Restaurant
101 King Street Newtown

Straight after the AGM, members of both the federal society of ASSLH and the Sydney Branch will share an end of the year dinner at a Lebanese restaurant located a short walk away from the University of Sydney (on the right hand side of King Street as you proceed towards Missenden Road).

If you would like to join us, please contact Margaret Walters on (02) 9351 3786 or before 5pm Monday 17 November.

Payment will be received on the night. Cost will be $30 a head. It’s BYOG.