Doug Cameron was National Secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union, Vice-President of the ACTU and served three terms as Senator for NSW.
Phil Drew started working life as a fitter and turner in Newcastle, where he later gained a university degree in history and economics. He became assistant Trade Union Education Officer with the South Australian Workers’ Educational Association in August 1973, and became the first Director of the South Australian TUTA Centre in April 1975. He moved to the College in February 1979 as Assistant Director of Studies, later College Director.
Des Hanlon was one of two National Officers appointed to establish the national centre for the Trade Union Training Authority. Previously employed as the WATLC Industrial Officer, member of its Education Committee, conducting union education courses for both the TLC and the ACTU Summer programs. Des had also attended a range of programs conducted by the Canadian Labour Council and several of its affiliates in the period 1968-69.
Michael Johnston served as TUTA’s NSW Director from 1975 to 1985. He had joined TUTA from the AWU and Shop Assistants union. Subsequent to TUTA Michael had a career in management with employment at Sydney Water, ICI’s Botany Operations, the Construction Industry Development Agency, and Westpac where he was General Manager Human Resources.
Warwick McDonald held Research and Industrial Officer positions with the Miscellaneous Worker’s Union (FMWU) and the NSW PSA prior to joining TUTA in February 1975. Leaving TUTA in 1979 he became Secretary of the Maritime Services Board (MSB) Officer’s Association and the Water Industry Salaried Officer’s Union which both then amalgamated with the Australian Services Union (ASU) where he was NSW Branch Secretary.
Mike Newman worked in his native Australia and in the UK as a journalist, then actor, and then as an adult educator. He was an educational outreach worker in inner London; Warden of the Working Men’s College in Camden, London; Educational Director of the Sydney WEA; National Trainer with TUTA; and Senior Lecturer at UTS. He has published six books, all in some way examining how learning can be used as a tool in struggle. Three of his books have received an award from the American Association of Continuing and Adult Education. Mike has a PhD, and was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame in 2009.