
The Spanish Civil War and Australia: 1936/1986

A weekend of living history recalling Spain’s heroic struggle against international Fascism and the International Brigades which fought for the Republic. A weekend which recalls the War’s impact on Australia and the world, tracing the historical continuity between that historic struggle and today’s liberation struggles in Nicaragua, South Africa, Chile, the Philippines and other countries. The program includes:

Talks: by International Brigades, medical aid workers and other Australians who went to Spain or worked for solidarity with the Republic, by Spaniards who fought in the War, by activists working for solidarity with liberation struggles today.

Films: of the Spanish Civil War, Nicaragua and other Latin American countries.

Music: of Spain, the International Brigades and Latin America. Poetry: about the Spanish War and other cultural items.

Exhibition: of historical photos, posters, books and pamphlets, badges, letters and other memorabilia of the times.

And a dinner on Saturday Evening

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, November 8/9 (marking the International Brigade’s first battle, the defence of Madrid.

Place: Merewether Building, Sydney University, City Road, Darlington.

Inquiries to 4 Dixon St., Sydney (264 2151 – Paul, Cathy or Cat); or Laurie Aarons, Ph. 527 3591.