
Hummer Special Issue

The next issue of the Hummer will be a special issue dedicated to the memory of Mervyn Ambrose Flanagan, the unionist and worker, shot and killed during the Great Strike of 1917. The special issue is timed to coincide with two other commemorative exercises. The Sydney branch of the Labour History Society will be laying a wreath at 4.45 pm on Labor Day 1988 at the spot where Flanagan died: opposite the Children’s Hospital in Camperdown. Check with Greg Patmore closer to the date for precise details (692 4264). Please come and help us make this a worthwhile occasion.

Also, in concert with are hoping to persuade State Conference to minutes in honour of a class martyr.

the Labor Day Committee we delegates to the NSW ALP’s stand in silence for two largely forgotten working

In the meantime Hummer’s editor would be delighted to hear from any readers who might be able to contribute any information about Merv Flanagan in life or in death. As a matter of some urgency please ring him at home: (02) 439 2984.