
Left Book Club Flourishes

After a quiet period when not a lot seemed to be happening the Left Book Club seems to be off and running.

Three books will be going into production very shortly: Ted Wheelwright and Abe David’s The Third Wave – Australia and Asian Capitalism (scheduled for October 1989), Audrey Johnson’s Sisters and Comrades and Ted Trainer’s book Our Economic System – A Sustainable Economy (scheduled for December-January).

Books being written at present are one on The Accord: Powerful Socialist Engine? by Peter Beilharz and Rob Watts, one on Issues for the Nineties edited by Bob and Anne Gollan, An Anthology of New Left Politics edited by Richard Archer, one on The Media by Wendy Bacon and one on Inequality in Australia edited by Jan Leary with contributions from some well- known social investigators.

Another exciting project currently being considered is a fully illustrated story book for children aged 9 -12 exploring the concepts of organisation and unity in struggle. The children learn to unite and organise in their struggle to prevent the loss of their playing fields to developers. These concepts are at the same time related to adult struggles in the community and workplace involving unions.

A new National Co-ordinator, Ms Terrye Vaughn, who will be working for the Club for three days a week, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, has been appointed. Terrye can be contacted at her home on 02 517 1626 until their Sydney office is organised. Terrye has lots of experience working on progressive and community- based campaigns.

Sydney branch ASSLH members interested in joining the Left Book Club should contact Terrye or write to PO Box 282, SUTHERLAND NSW 2232.