
Labour History Society Member obtains
High Union Office

Hummer wishes to congratulate Bruce Grimshaw on his recent appointment as secretary of the Maritime and Water Industries Employees Union and Municipal Officers’ Association (New South Wales branch).

After finishing his BA (LLB) in 1980 Bruce worked as an industrial of ficer and later assistant secretary of those unions. Yet he is not one of those legal eagle union bosses who would sell their members down the drain (sorry – pun intended). His honours thesis – in history – at the University of New South Wales was on the deportation case of Tom Walsh and Jacob Johnson in 1925 and he has had a long commitment to progressive causes and the labour movement as a whole.

About the only thing that could possible be said against Bruce is that he persists in following the game the bourgeoisie would play in heaven (Rugby Union). (But then he is a product of a Randwick Boys High. So the small ideological indiscretion of supporting the ‘galloping greens’ is permissible.)

Through Bruce’s intermediation the Sydney branch of the Labour History society has been able to use the MOA Offices in Wentworth Avenue for our talks and lectures. This venue has proved to be very popular with members and the Sydney branch is very grateful.