The Hummer is the bi-monthly bulletin of the Sydney Branch of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. Contents in this publication are not copyright, unless otherwise stated, although reproduction should be acknowledged. The objects of the Sydney Branch of the Australian society for the Study of Labour History are the same as those set down for the Society, namely to encourage study, teaching and research in the field of labour history and to encourage the preservation of labour archives.
Membership of the Branch is open to all who share these aims, and the annual fee for ordinary membership is $5.00 ($3.00 concession for students, unemployod people, and those dependent on social security payments). A membership form is enclosed in this issue. Cheques should be made payable to ‘The Sydney Branch, Australian Society for the Study of Labour History’.
All correspondence should be addressed to: The Secretary,Sydney Branch, A.S.S.L.H. C/- 5 Wellesley St., Summer Hill, 2130. The membership of the 1984/5 Executive Committee of the Sydney Branch is as follows:
Mr Drew Cottle
Mr Michael Easson Mr Rick Kuhn (Treasurer)
Dr Andrew Moore (Editor)
Mr Gary Nicholls
Mr Greg Patmore(President)
Mr John Shields(Secretary)
The Committee wishes to acknowledge the generous assistance given by the A.C.O.A. (N.S.W. Branch) in the publication of this bulletin.