The Annual General Meeting of the Sydney Branch, Australian Society for the Study of Labour lHistory, for the year 1984 was held in the Merewether Building, Sydney University, at 6.30 p.m. on Monday, 26th March, 1984.
PRESENT: 14 persons.
CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Greg Patmore.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS GENERAL MEETING: The minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Sydney Branch (April 1983) were read and adopted without amendment.
APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from the following members of the Branch: Professor Duncan Waterson, Mr. Mark Bray, Professor Ken Buckley, Dr. Ron Callus, Dr. Keith Whitfield, Dr. Flora Gill, Mr. Arthur Banos, Mr. Drew COttle, and Mr. Gary Nicholls.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Mr. John Shields presented a Secretary’s Report on behalf of the Interim Committee. He outlined the Committee’s internal operation and detailed the main features of the Committee’s activities over the course of the year. The Committee comprised seven active members, and had held nine formal meetings throughout the year. In addition to this, many informal work sessions had also been held. A membership drive had been undertaken, and membership now stood at 110. Four well attended Branch talks had been held during the year, and the Branch bulletin – The Hummer – was now well established and was being produced at minimal cost. Four issues had been produced during the year. The Committee had also undertaken a range of special projects, and several more were being planned. Projects under consideration included the initiation of an annual Labor Day oration, and the organisation of a conference for early 1985 on a theme yet to be finalised. lie concluded by proposing that the Interim Committee’s activities had been in accord with the responsibilities entrusted to it, and that the achievement to date was worthy of the meeting’s support. The meeting resolved unanimously to adopt the report.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Dr. Andrew Moore presented a Treasurer’s Report on behalf of the Interim Committee. Income from membership fees and the sale of raffle tickets amounted to $442.32 for the period 9th May, 1983, to 31st December, 1983. Over the same period, expenses amounted to $90.03. This was made up of $59.64 for postage, $20.00 for secretarial expenses, $9.04 for bank fees, and $0.55 for Stamp Duty. Dr. Moore proposed that the credit balance of $352.29 in the Branch’s account with the Commonwealth Trading Bank indicated that the financial affairs of the Branch were in a healthy I state. lie also noted that the Committee had tried without success ~o secure a modest grant from the N.S.W. Division of Cu1tural Activities to assist in publication of the Branch bulletin. The report was then adopted unanimously by the meeting.
CONSIDERATION OF THE DRAFT CONSTITUTION: The Chairperson introduced a draft constitution for the Branch which had been drawn up by the Interim Committee. lie invited the meeting to discuss the draft. After brief discussion it was moved by Mr. John Shields, seconded by Dr. Andrew Moore, that the draft be adopted as the constitution of the Sydney Branch. The motion was carried unanimously. The text, as adopted, is attached as Appendix 1.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Chairperson proposed that the meeting opt for one of two means of electing the incoming Committee: either by way of election of individuals to fill particular offices (President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President/Bulletin Editor, and two additional Committee members), or by election of seven individuals who would allocate official positions between themselves. It was moved by Mr. Jack Blake, seconded by Ms. Aubrey Blake, that the latter procedure be adopted. The motion was carried unanimously. The Chairperson then called for nominations, and the following persons were nominated and their nominations seconded: Mr. Greg Pamore, Dr. Andrew Moore, Mr. John Shields, Mr. Michael Easson, and Mr. Rick Kuhn. The Chairperson also indicated that written, endorsed nominations had been received from Mr. Drew Cottle and Mr. Garry Nicholls. In accordance with the Branch constitution, the meeting then proceeded to elect the above seven persons to the incoming Executive Committee.
GENERAL BUSINESS: The Chairperson referred to a motion on notice from the previous General Meeting that membership fees be levied on the basis of each member’s income. The motion lapsed in the absence of a mover. It was then moved by Mr. Jack Blake, seconded by Dr. Andrew Moore, that the membership fees for the Branch for the financial year 1984-5 be the same as those far the previous financial year. The motion was carried unanimously. The Chairperson thanked members for attending, and the meeting closed at 7.15 p.m.