
Lord Tennyson to Sir Henry Parkes: re strikes

Hallam Tennyson’s book, Alfred Lord Tennyson: A memoir by his son, Macmillan, London, 1897, contains the following letter from Alfred Lord Tennyson to Sir Henry Parkes concerning the strikes of the 1890′ s. It may be of interest to readers of The Hummer.

It reads:

My dear Sir Henry, . . . You may be sure that we have watched the telegrams respecting you with great interest, and have rejoiced that the last have been encouraging as to your health. You have indeed needed a renewal of health to face the new danger of your great strikes. You Australians appear to have met the monster bravely. Is there no hope of arbitration by mixed tribunals, governments having first distinctly shown a bold front against any attempt at illegal intimidation?

Many thanks for the promise of your book. We are, as you say, greatly interested in all that relates to the welfare of the Empire.

Yours ever sincerely,
