
Journal Contents No. 52

The Study of Occupational Health in Australia
Lenore Layman

Blood on the CARGO: Cargo-Handling and Working Conditionson the Waterfront at Fremantle, 1900 – 1939
Malcolm Tull

Sex, Race, Violence and the Criminal Law in Victoria: Anatomy of a Rape Case in 1888
David Philips

‘Most Humble Houses’: Some Notes on the Housing Investigations in Melbourne, 1913 – 1917
Paul Hicks

Police Perceotions of Protest: the Perth ‘Treasury Riot’ of March 1931
Sandra Wilson

A Spanish Springtime: Aileen Palmer and the Spanish Civil War
Judith Keene


A Twentieth Century Economic Historian on Colonial Women’s Employment: Comment on Alford
A.M. Endres

On Polemics and Patriarchy: A Rejoinder
Katrina Alford

Anne Conlon Memorial Liecture 1986

Working Our Way to the Bottom: Women and Nursing
Lesley Meredith

Bo0K Reviews

Eric Fry,(ed.). Common Cause: Essays in Australian and New Zealand Labour History (Michael Bassett)

Jim Moss,Sound of Trumpets: History of the Labour Movement in South Australia
Peter Cook)

Jim Hagan, Australian Trade Unionism in Documents (Braharn Dabscheck)

Susan Magarey, Unbridling the Tongues of Women: A Biography of Catherine Helen (Barbara Calne)

Graerme Davidson,David Dunstan & Chris McConville(eds), The Outcasts of Essays in Social History Uanet McCalman)

Ann Fox, History and Heritage. The Social Origins of the British Industrial Relations (Chris Fisher)

Roger Fletcher, Revisionism and Empire. Socialist Imperialism in Germany 1897-1914
Jurgen Tampke)

Bnan Dickey, Rations, Residence, Resources. A History of Social WeTare in South
Australia since 1836 Uudith Godden)

Stuart Macintyre, Winners and Losers. The Pursuit of SocialJustice in Australian
History (Richard Kennedy)

Richard Cashman, Ave a Go, Yer Mug! Australian cricket crowdsfrom Larrikin to
Ocker (H. Nelson)

Phillip Pepper, What Did Happen to the A bongines of Victoria: Volume I, the Kurnai Gippsland (C. C. MacKnight)

Martin Sullivan, Men and Women of Port Phillip (Alan Atkinson)

Ged Martin, Bunyip Aristocracy (John Ritchle)

Hilary Golder, Divorce in 19th Century New South Wales (Marian Aveling)

Noeline Kyle, Her Natural Destiny. The Education of Women in New South Wales (Kay Daniels)

Helen Jones, Nothing Seemed Impossible. Women’s Education and Social Change in South Australia 1875-1915 (Kay Daniels)

S. A. Smith, Red Petrograd. Revolution. in the Factories 1917-18 (Elizabeth Waters)

Nancy L. Green,The PletzI oj”Pari’s. Jewish Immigrant Workers in the Belle Epoque U. Adler)

Thomas Cockburn-Campbell,Land of Lots of Time. An Autobiography 1918-1985 (Hilary Kent)

Judith F. Stone, The Searchfor Social Peace. Reform Legislation in France, 1890-1914 (C. Sowerwine)

Paul Weindlling(ed.), The Social I-Iz’stor~v of Occupational Health (E B. Smith)

Audrey Johnson, Fly a Rebel Flag: Bill Morrow 1888-1980 (Eric Fry)

Arm Curthoys & John Merritt(eds), Australia ~ First Cold War 1945-1953 (Alastair Davidson)

W J, Brown,The Communist Movement and Australia. An historical outline–1890s to 1980s (Len Fox)

C. D. Rowley, Recovery The Politics of Aboriginal R~fortiz (Peter Read)

Bob James,Anarchism and State Violence in Sydney and Melbourne, 1886-1896.. An Argument About Australian Labour History (Bruce Scates)