
Labour History No. 80 – May 2001


View Abstracts


Robert Darby
New Theatre and the State : the Ban on Till the Day I Die, 1936-41

Sarah Gregson
‘It All Started on the Mines’? : the 1934 Kalgoorlie Race Riots Revisited

Julie Kimber
‘A Case of Mild Anarchy’? Job Committees in the Broken Hill Mines, c1930 to 1954

Pamela Kinnear
The Politics of Coal Dust : Industrial Campaigns for the Regulation
of Dust Disease in Australian Coal Mining, 1939-49

Simon Stevens
A Social Tyranny : the Truck System in Colonial Western Australia, 1829-99

Charles Fahey & John Lack
‘A Kind of Elysium Where Nobody has Anything Difficult to Do’ :
HB Higgins, HV McKay and the Agricultural Implement Makers, 1901-26

Michael Barry
Institutional and Social History Interpretations of New Zealand Waterfront
Industrial Relations, Depression to Early 1940s

Judith Godden
Be Good Sweet Maid : Lifestyle Choices for Sister Probationer Nora Barton
at Sydney Infirmary, 1869-72

Kay Whitehead
Post-Suffrage Factory Inspectors in New South Wales

Ivan Krisjansen
Australian Orientalism and Liberal Governance : Asian Labour in South Australia and the Northern Territory, 1890s

Historical Debate

‘The Mudginberri Abattoir Dispute of 1985’ : Response

I. Jim Kitay
II. Bernie Brian (A Tough Place to Have a Picket Line)

Biographical Notes

Henry Ernest Boote – ‘It’s Wrong to be Right’
Clyde Cameron

The Sickle and the Scythe : Jack Blake and Communist Party ‘Consolidation’, 1949-56
Phillip Deery


North West Labour History Group
Michael Herbert


Barbara Curthoys : Communist Activist and Researcher
Lyndall Ryan

Book Reviews

David Palmer, Ross Shanahan & Martin Shannahan (eds), Australian Labour History Reconsidered (Marcel Van Der Linden)

Christina Burr, Spreading the Light : Work and Labour Reform in Late Nineteenth Century Toronto (Shirley Fitzgerald)

Simon Ville, The Rural Entrepreneurs : A History of the Stock and Station Industry in Australia and New Zealand (Beverley Kingston)

Susan Lawrence, Dolly’s Creek : An Archaeology of a Victorian Goldfields Community (David Goodman)

Hugh Anderson, Farewell to Judges and Juries : The Broadside Ballad and Convict Transportation to Australia, 1788-1868 (Graham Seal)

Malcolm Campbell, The Kingdom of the Ryans : The Irish in Southwest New South Wales 1816-1890 (Simon Adams)

Ruth Frow, Edmund Frow (Eddie) 1906-1997: the Making of an Activist (Stuart Macintyre)

Charlie Fox, Fighting Back : The Politics of the Unemployed in Victoria in the Great Depression (Brian Dickey)

Colin Cleary, Bendigo Labor : The Maintenance of Traditions in a Regional City (Ray Markey)

Geoffrey Ballard, Nation with Nation : The Story of Olympic Village Heidelberg – Olympic Games, Melbourne, 1956 (Richard Cashman)

Bridget Griffen-Foley, The House of Packer : The Making of a Media Empire (Andrew Moore)

Mark Latham, Civilising Global Capitalism;
Lindsay Tanner, Open Australia (James Hagan and Paul Tuckerman)