Labour History No. 99 – November 2010

View Abstracts

Greening Labour History

Edited by Janis Bailey

Red and Green: Towards a Cross-Fertilisation of Labour and Environmental History
Janis Bailey and Ross Gwyther

The People’s National Park: Working Class Environmental Campaigns on Sydney’s Georges River, 1950-1967
Heather Goodall and Allison Cadzow

Mt Lesueur as a ‘Space of Engagement’: A Rural-Urban, Cross-Class Conservation Campaign
Janis Bailey

Te Upoko o Mata’oho (Mangere Mountain): The Performative Tensions of a Living Museum
Joce Jesson

Research Note

Regulating the Greens: Federal Electoral Laws and the Emergence of Green Parties in the 1980s and 1990s
Tony Harris

Other Articles

Class, Skill and Control in a Southern City: The Case of the Dunedin Branch of the ASE c. 1880-1920
Shaun Ryan

Organisational Consolidation and Unionateness in the NSW Public Service Association, 1899-1939
Ray Markey

‘Truth and Time Against the World’s Wrongs’: Montagu Scott, Jim Case and the Lost World of the Brisbane Worker Cartoonists
Nick Dyrenfurth

Women on the March: Radical Hispanic Migrants in Northern Australia
Robert Mason

‘A Crude Orgy of Drunken Violence’: A Russian Account of the Brisbane ‘Red Flag Riots’ of 1919
Kevin Windle

Research Note

A Note on the Files of ‘The Movement’ in South Australia
Malcolm Saunders


Australian Society for the Study of Labour History: A Brief Personal Account of the First Three Years
Bruce Shields

Tributes to Jeff Shaw

Greg Patmore and Lucy Taksa

A Eulogy for Jeff Shaw
Rodney Cavalier

A Tribute to Jeff Shaw
Michael Easson

Vale Jeff Shaw
Bruce Grimshaw and Adam Searle

Jeffrey William (Jeff) Shaw, 10 October 1949 – 10 May 2010
Lance Wright


Doug Howitt 1921–2009
Bernie Howitt and Lance Wright

Thanks to Margaret Walters

Labour History in Song

John Warner

Book Reviews

John McIlroy, Alan Campbell, John Halstead and David Martin (eds), Making History: Organizations of Labour Historians in Britain since 1960 (Terry Irving)

Joan Allen, Alan Campbell and John McIlroy (eds), Histories of Labour: National and International Perspectives (Joshua B. Freeman)

Ann Curthoys and Ann McGrath, How to Write History that People Want to Read (Bruce Scates)

Bill Gammage, The Broken Years: Australian Soldiers in the Great War;
Marilyn Lake and Henry Reynolds with Mark McKenna and Joy Damousi, What’s Wrong with Anzac: The Militarisation of Australian History (Michael McKernan)

Martin Crotty and Marina Larsson (eds), Anzac Legacies: Australians and the Aftermath of War (Annabel Cooper)

Tony Moore, Death or Liberty: Rebels and Radicals Transported to Australia 1788-1868 (Anne-Maree Whitaker)

David Clune and Ken Turner (eds), The Governors of New South Wales, 1788-2010 (J.C. Bannon)

Grace Karskens, The Colony: A History of Early Sydney (Maria Nugent)

Richard Broome, Aboriginal Australians: A History since 1788 (Naomi Parry)

Susan West, Bushranging and the Policing of Rural Banditry in New South Wales, 1860-1880 (G.D. Woods)

Hester Barron, The 1926 Miners’ Lockout: Meanings of Community in the Durham Coalfield (Evan Smith)

Morris Dickstein, Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression (David Potts)

James A. Miller, Remembering Scottsboro: The Legacy of an Infamous Trial (Drew Cottle)

Michelle Arrow, Friday on Our Minds: Popular Culture in Australia since 1945 (Richard White)

Stuart Macintyre, The Poor Relation: A History of Social Sciences in Australia (Geoffrey Bolton)

Roland Rocchiccioli, And Be Home before Dark: A Childhood on the Edge of Nowhere;
Jillian Koshin, Electric Eric: The Life and Times of Eric Reece, an Australian State

Premier (Robert Pascoe)

Lekkie Hopkins and Lynn Roarty, Among the Chosen: The Life Story of Pat Giles (Bobbie Oliver)

Willa McDonald, Warrior for Peace: Dorothy Auchterlonie Green (Val Noone)

Ross Fitzgerald and Stephen Holt, Alan ‘The Red Fox’ Reid: Pressman Par Excellence (Bridget Griffen-Foley)

David Lowe, Australian between Empires: The Life of Percy Spender (Peter Edwards)

Norman Abjorensen, John Howard and the Conservative Tradition (Scott Prasser)

Paul Davey, Ninety Not Out: The Nationals 1920-2010 (Robert Tierney)

Robert Service, Trotsky: A Biography (Adrian Jones)

John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr and Alexander Vassiliev, Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (L.W. Maher)

Joel Wolfe, Autos and Progress: The Brazilian Search for Modernity (John Tully)

E. Paul Durrenberger and Karaleah S. Reichart (eds), The Anthropology of Labor Unions (Gregor Gall)

Giovanna Franca Dalla Costa, The Work of Love: Unpaid Housework, Poverty and Sexual Violence at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Leanne Cutcher)

Martin Brueckner and Dyann Ross, Under Corporate Skies: A Struggle between People, Place and Profit (Lenore Layman)

Jim Tennison and Barbara Niven, Making History: The SDA Victorian Branch 1908-2008 (Harry Knowles)

Terry Irving and Rowan Cahill, Radical Sydney: Places, Portraits and Unruly Episodes (Jeff Sparrow)

Book Note

Bob Blauner, Resisting McCarthyism: To Sign or Not to Sign California’s Loyalty Oath (Phillip Deery)

Book Comment

Basil Archer, Interpreting Occupied Japan: The Diary of an Australian Soldier, 1945-1946 (Sandra Wilson)