Labour History No. 102 – May 2012

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Edited by Nick Dyrenfurth, Mark Hearn and Harry Knowles

Reinterpreting the Second Fisher Government
Mark Hearn and Nick Dyrenfurth

‘A Political … as well as a Propagandist Movement’: Cultural Politics and the Rise of Fisher Labor
Nick Dyrenfurth

‘The Benefits of Industrial Organisation’? The Second Fisher Government and Fin de Siècle Modernity in Australia
Mark Hearn

State Socialism for Australian Mothers: Andrew Fisher’s Radical Maternalism in its International and Local Contexts
Marilyn Lake

Andrew Fisher and the Era of Liberal Reform
Marian Sawer

Are We ‘All Socialists Now’? New Liberalism, State Socialism and the Australian Settlement
Ian Tregenza

Putting the ‘Australian Settlement’ in Perspective
Alan Fenna

Postscript: The Significance of the Fisher Labor Government, 1910-13
Raymond Markey


The Low Rumble of Informal Dissent: Shipboard Protests over Health and Safety in Australian Waters, 1790-1900
Michael Quinlan

‘Citizens Who Serve’: The Political Rights of Victorian Public Servants, 1856-1916
Dustin Halse

‘Conflicts of Loyalty’: The Australian Labor Party and Uranium Policy, 1976-82
Ashley Lavelle

From Unpaid Maternity Leave to Paid Parental Leave in New Zealand: Changing Approaches in Legislation
Katherine Ravenswood and Ann-Marie Kennedy


Neville Kirk, Labour and the Politics of Empire: Britain and Australia 1900 to the Present (Robin Archer)

Georgina Murray and David Peetz, Women of the Coal Rushes (Peta Belic)

Joseph A. McCartin, Collision Course: Ronald Reagan, the Air Traffic Controllers, and the Strike that Changed America (Braham Dabscheck)

Malcolm Fraser and Margaret Simons, Malcolm Fraser: The Political Memoirs (Ian Hancock)

Leon Fink, Sweatshops at Sea: Merchant Seamen in the World’s First Globalized Industry, from 1812 to the Present (Diane Kirkby)

Nick Dyrenfurth, Heroes and Villains: The Rise and Fall of the Early Australian Labor Party (Marilyn Lake)

Clarence Taylor, Reds at the Blackboard: Communism, Civil Rights, and the New York City Teachers Union (Stephen Leberstein)

Stephen Gray, The Protectors: A Journey though Whitefella Past (Russell McGregor)

Sarah Maddison, Beyond White Guilt: The Real Challenge for Black-White Relations in Australia (Russell McGregor)

Humphrey McQueen, We Built this Country: Builders’ Labourers & their Unions 1787 to the Future (Aidan Moore)

Emily Turner-Graham, ‘Never Forget that You are a German’: Die Brűcke, ‘Deutschtum’ and National Socialism in Interwar Australia (Andrew Moore)

James Waghorne and Stuart Macintyre, Liberty: A History of Civil Liberties in Australia (Andrew Moore)

Andrew Reeves, Up from the Underworld: Coalminer and Community in Wonthaggi 1909-1968 (Erik Olssen)

Bob James, They Call Each Other Brother: Secret Societies and the Strange Slow Death of Mateship in Australia, 1788-2010: The Authentic History (Greg Patmore)

Mark McKenna, An Eye for Eternity: The Life of Manning Clark (Jill Roe)

Denis Fitzgerald, Teachers and their Times: History and the Teachers’ Federation (Tony Taylor)

Andrew Moore, Mr Big of Bankstown: The Scandalous Fitzpatrick and Browne Affair (Rodney Cavalier)

Peter Thompson and Robert Macklin, The Big Fella: The Rise and Rise of BHP Billiton (Erik Eklund)

Daniel P. Kerr, Derelict Paradise, Homelessness and Urban Development in Cleveland, Ohio (Chris McConville)

Penelope Debelle, Red Silk: The Life of Elliott Johnston QC (L.W. Maher)


Pam Sharpe and Michael Hess (eds), Business and Labour History in Tasmania (Stuart Macintyre)

Alexander V. Prusin, The Lands Between: Conflict in the East European Borderlands, 1870-1992 (Monika Baár)

Michael Hogan (ed.), Labor Pains: Early Conference and Executive Reports of the Labor Party of NSW, vols 4 and 5 (Michael Hogan)


A Word for Freedom
Paul Spencer