Edited by Greg Patmore and Mark Westcott
The Labour Movement, Mutuals and Co-operatives: Introduction
Greg Patmore and Mark Westcott
The Labour Movement and Co-operatives
Nikola Balnave and Greg Patmore
Industry Superannuation Funds: A New Kind of Mutual
Bernard Mees and Aron Paul
Mutualism beyond the “Mutual”: The Collective Development of a New Zealand Single Industry Town Hospital
Fiona Hurd and Suzette Dyer
Mutualism and Labourism in the Experience of Westfund
Harry Knowles, Greg Patmore and Mark Westcott
The Australian Labor Party and its Relations with Business: The Case of the Margarine Industry
Malcolm Abbott
Voices of Sydney’s Chinese Furniture Factory Workers, 1890–1920
Peter Gibson
A Union Goes to War: The Victorian State Services Federation in the Great War
Robert Bollard
Employee Participation and Industrial Welfarism in Australia, 1890–1965
Nikola Balnave and Raymond Markey
The Interconnected Histories of Labour and Homelessness
Jessica Gerrard
“A Miserable Sectarian Spirit”: Sectarianism and the Women’s Movement in Early Twentieth-Century New South Wales
Laura Rademaker
Jillian (Jill) Isobel Roe AO, 1940–2017
Beverley Kingston
A Reflection on Jillian (Jill) Isobel Roe (1940–2017) and Her Contribution to the Study of Labour History
Lucy Taksa
Enzo Traverso, Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory (Allan Patience)
Verity Burgmann, Globalization and Labour in the Twenty-First Century (Neville Kirk)
Greg Patmore, Worker Voice: Employee Representation in the Workplace in Australia, Canada, Germany, the UK and the US 1914–1939 (Ed Blissett)
Robin Archer, Joy Damousi, Murray Goot, Sean Scalmer, eds, The Conscription Conflict and the Great War (Michael McKernan)
Raelene Frances and Bruce Scates, eds, Beyond Gallipoli: New Perspectives on ANZAC (Philippa Mein Smith
Jon Piccini, Transnational Protest, Australia and the 1960s: Global Radicals (Kate Murphy)
John Murphy, Evatt: A Life (Christopher Waters)
John Hill, On Being a Minister: Behind the Mask (Clare Parker)
Caryn Coatney, John Curtin: How He Won Over the Media (Jackie Dickenson)
Robert Crawford and Jackie Dickenson, Behind Glass Doors: The World of Australian Advertising Agencies 1959–1989 (Susannah Helman)
Jesse Adams Stein, Hot Metal: Material Culture and Tangible Labour (Raelene Frances)
Rudolf Kučera, Rationed Life: Science, Everyday Life, and Working-Class Politics in the Bohemian Lands, 1914–1918 (Andrew G. Bonnell)
Libby Connors, Warrior: A Legendary Leader’s Dramatic Life and Violent Death on the Colonial Frontier (Naomi Parry)
Tiffany Shellam, Maria Nugent, Shino Konishi and Allison Cadzow, eds, Brokers and Boundaries: Colonial Exploration in Indigenous Territory (Tim Rowse)
Andrew Gill, Convict Assignment in Western Australia, 1842–1851 (David Roberts)
Chris Owen, “Every Mother’s Son is Guilty”: Policing the Kimberley Frontier of Western Australian 1882–1905 (Fiona Paisley)
Claire Lowrie, Masters and Servants: Cultures of Empire in the Tropics (Michael Quinlan)
Nick Fischer, Spider Web: The Birth of American Anticommunism (David Palmer)
S. Paul O’Hara, Inventing the Pinkertons: Or Spies, Sleuths, Mercenaries, and Thugs (Braham Dabscheck)
Emmet O’Connor, Derry Labour in the Age of Agitation, 1889–1923, vol. 2, Larkinism and Syndicalism, 1907–23 (John Cunningham)
Andy Blunden, The Origins of Collective Decision-Making (Stuart Macintyre)
Bobbie Oliver, The Locomotive Enginemen: A History of the Western Australian Locomotive Engine Drivers’, Firemen’s and Cleaners’ Union (Greg Patmore)
Brian McMahon, The Ford Century in Minnesota (Braham Dabscheck)
Lawrence Damian Robinson, Princeton University’s Industrial Relations Section in Historical Perspective: 1922–2015 (Greg Patmore)
Wendy Guest and Gary Gray, eds, Not Just for This Life: Gough Whitlam Remembered (James Walter)