Edited by Emma Robertson and Glenda Strachan

From Making Do to Making Home: Gender and Housewifery on the Victorian Goldfields
Katrina Dernelley
Pioneer Girls and Flappers: Australia’s Early Female Ammunition Workers
Katie Wood
“When Women Do the Work of Men”: Representations of Gendered Occupational Identities on British Railways in World War I Cartoons
Emma Robertson and Lee-Ann Monk
“These Labourers in the Field of Public Work”: Librarians, Discrimination and the Meaning of Equal Pay
Diane Kirkby and Caroline Jordan
“Armed with Glamour and Collection Tins”: Femininity and Voluntary Work in Wartime South Australia, 1939–45
Rachel Harris
Called to Serve, Shunned as Citizens: How the Australian Women’s Land Army Was Recruited and Abandoned by the Labor Government
Heather Gartshore
Class, Gender and Cold War Politics: The Union of Australian Women and the Campaign for Equal Pay, 1950–66
Katherine Keirs
Changing the Unions’ Agenda: Women’s Activism in Australian Trade Unions in the 1970s and 1980s
Glenda Strachan
Archiving the Records of the National Pay Equity Coalition (NPEC), 1988–2011
Danny Blackman, Meredith Burgmann, Philippa Hall, Fran Hayes, Anne Junor and Meg Smith
Gary Lewis (1943–2019)
Garry Cronan and Greg Patmore
Richard J. Evans, Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History (Ronald Grigor Suny)
Sue Taffe, A White Hot Flame: Mary Montgomerie Bennett: Author, Educator, Activist for Indigenous Justice (Catherine Bishop)
Elizabeth Malcom and Dianne Hall, A New History of the Irish in Australia (Tanya Evans)
Philip Mendes, Empowerment and Control in the Australian Welfare State: A Critical Analysis of Australian Social Policy Since 1972 (John Murphy)
John Edwards, John Curtin’s War, Volume 2, Triumph and Decline (David Horner)
Rafaella Sarti, Anna Bellavitis and Manuela Martini, eds, What is Work? Gender at the Crossroads of Home, Family, and Business from the Early Modern Era to the Present (Marian Baird)
Michelle Arrow, The Seventies: The Personal, the Political and the Making of Modern Australia (Karen Fox)
Joy Damousi and Judith Smart, eds, Contesting Australian History: Essays in Honour of Marilyn Lake (Zora Simic)
Alice Garner and Diane Kirkby: Academic Ambassadors, Pacific Allies: Australia, America and the Fulbright Program (Nicholas Brown)
Xosé M Núñez Seixas and Oleg Beyda, eds, Un Ruso Blanco en la Divisíon Azul: Memorias de Vladimir Kovalevski (Judith Keene)
Paul Hanebrink, A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism (Philip Mendes)
Isser Woloch, The Postwar Moment: Progressive Forces in Britain, France, and the United States After World War II (Ben Huf)
Anthony Carew, American Labour’s Cold War Abroad: From Deep Freeze to Détente, 1945–1970 (David Palmer)
Mark Hearn, Organising Union: Transport Workers Face the Challenge of Change, 1989–2013 (Anthony Forsyth)
Ellie Belew, High Voltage Women: Breaking Barriers at Seattle City Light (Diane Fieldes)
Sally Groves and Vernon Merritt, Trico: A Victory to Remember: The 1976 Equal Pay Strike at Trico Folberth, Brentford (Katherine Ravenswood)