The Toll from Toil Revisited: Lessons from the Past in Occupational Health and Safety
Edited by Michael Quinlan and Sarah Gregson
Guardians of Workers’ Bodies? Trade Unions and the History of Occupational Health and Safety
Arthur McIvor
Knowledge Activists on Health and Safety: Workmen-Inspectors in Metalliferous Mining in Australia 1901–25
Michael Quinlan and David Walters
Pictorial Essay: Dangerous Workplaces
“Re-Emergence” of Silicosis and Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis in Australia
Beris Penrose
“Fix the Workplace, Not the Worker”: Labour Feminism and the Shifting Grounds of Equality in the US Workplace, 1960–91
Elizabeth Faue, Josiah Rector, and Amanda Lauren Walter
“No Place for Tourists”: Deaths on Western Australian Construction Sites
Bobbie Oliver
Philanthropy and the “Management” of Working-Class Women: The West Gate Bridge Disaster
Sarah Gregson and Elizabeth Humphrys
“We Just Thought We Were Superhuman”: An Oral History of Noise and Piecework in Paisley’s Thread Mills
William Burns
“If You Thought about Those Things, Your Life Would Be a Misery!” Mental Health and the Safety of Seafarers
Diane Kirkby
Railway Work, Life and Death: Exploring British and Irish Railway Worker Accidents, c. 1890–1939
Mike Esbester
OSH Research Should Properly Take into Account Gender Differences
Disability as Labour History
Lee-Ann Monk
Tasman George Parsons (1942–2020)
Elizabeth Rechniewski
David Day, Maurice Blackburn: Champion of the People;
Carolyn Rasmussen, The Blackburns: Private Lives, Public Ambition (Paul Strangio)
Paula Bartley, Labour Women in Power: Cabinet Ministers in the Twentieth Century (Marian Sawer)
John Lack, ed., 1919: The Year Things Fell Apart? (Martin Crotty)
David Walker, Stranded Nation: White Australia in an Asian Region (Gwenda Tavan)
Roger Bell, In Apartheid’s Shadow: Australian Race Politics and South Africa, 1945–1975 (Christopher Waters)
Eric Foner, The Second Founding: How the Civil War and Reconstruction Remade the Constitution (Braham Dabscheck)
Masao Sugiura, Against the Storm: How Japanese Printworkers Resisted the Military Regime, 1935–1945 (David Palmer)
John Mulqueen, “An Alien Ideology”: Cold War Perceptions of the Irish Republican Left (Gerard Madden)
Isabelle Berrebi-Hoffmann, Olivier Giraud, Léa Renard and Theresa Wobbe, eds, Categories in Context: Gender and Work in France and Germany 1900–Present (Emma Robertson)
Lenore Layman and Gail Phillips, eds, Asbestos in Australia: From Boom to Dust (Bradon Ellem)
David Peetz, The Realities and Future of Work (Barbara Pocock)
Sam Oldham, Without Bosses: Radical Australian Trade Unionism in the 1970s (Brendan McGloin)
Women of Steel, directed and produced by Robynne Murphy (Yasmin Rittau)