Labour History No. 122 – May 2022

Abstracts                 Full-Text

Labour History and the “Neoliberal Era”: Context and Conceptualisation
George Lafferty

“Selling Their Jobs?” Thatcherism, Voluntary Redundancy and Worker Resocialisation
Greig Taylor and Matthew McDonald

Union Industrial Responses to Escalation in Live Cattle Export in Brisbane, 1978
Marjorie Jerrard

Obstacle Course: Women’s Entry into Skilled Positions in the Newcastle Steel Industry, 1980–2000
Jude Conway, Nancy Cushing and Josephine May

Historical Developments in the Gender Pay Gap in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Longitudinal Employment Relations Critique
Jane Parker and Noelle Donnelly

“Ain’t I a Bastard, Well I Received My Training in Aussie”: The Life of Frank Maybank, an Australian Trade Unionist in Central Africa
Duncan Money

“Pony Up!” Managing Destitution among Grooms from Australia in British India
Arunima Datta

Sweated Labour among Clothing Outworkers at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
Christina Cregan and Carol Kulik


Cheryl Buchanan: Activist, Mentor, Publisher
Interviewed by Philip Morrissey and Marion Campbell

Wide Combs: A Disillusioned Career
Michael Dickson


Stuart Macintyre (1947–2021)
Phillip Deery and Julie Kimber


Peter Beilharz, Circling Marx: Essays 1980–2020 (Terry Irving)

Stefan Berger, Sean Scalmer and Christian Wicke, eds, Remembering Social Movements: Activism and Memory (Neville Kirk)

Chris Bowen, Labor People: The Stories of Six True Believers (Joshua Black)

Carolyn Collins, Save Our Sons: Women, Dissent and Conscription during the Vietnam War (Kate Murphy)

Paul Flewers, ed., 1933: Warnings from History (Douglas Newton)

Sanford M. Jacoby, Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank (Joseph A. McCartin)

Jan Lucassen, The Story of Work: A New History of Humankind (Christopher Sheil)

Marion Maddox, ed., Charles Strong’s Australian Church: Christian Social Activism 1885–1917 (Bobbie Oliver)

Janet McCalman, Vandemonians: The Repressed History of Colonial Victoria (Anne Beggs-Sunter)

Jim Moher, Walter Citrine: Forgotten Statesman of the Trade Union Congress (Mary Davis)

Antonio Negri, Marx in Movement: Operaismo in Context (Ethan Blue)

Douglas Newton, Private Ryan and the Lost Peace: A Defiant Soldier and the Struggle against the Great War (David Stephens)

Robert Ovetz, ed., Workers’ Inquiry and Global Class Struggle: Strategies, Tactics, Objectives (Tom Bramble)

Kenneth Shonk, Ireland’s New Traditionalists: Fianna Fáil Republicanism and Gender, 1926–1938 (Emmet O’Connor)

Karen Throssell, The Crime of Not Knowing Your Crime: Ric Throssell against ASIO (Nathan Hobby)

Jacob Zumoff, The Red Thread: The Passaic Textile Strike (Randi Storch)