
OUT NOW: Labour History, no. 126

Working-Class Anti-Colonialism in the Twentieth Century, a special issue edited by Padraic Gibson, Sophie Loy-Wilson, Jon Piccini, and Evan Smith. Almost 50 years ago, Labour History published a special issue on the problem of racism in the Australian labour movement: Who Are Our Enemies? edited by Ann Curthoys and Andrew Markus. With this new special […]


Lyndall Ryan (1943–2024)

The Australian Society for the Study of Labour History is saddened by the loss of Lyndall Ryan, one of Australia’s most influential and admired historians. Her major contribution was in Aboriginal history, with an early study of Indigenous Tasmanians, for which she found herself and her work at the centre of the History culture wars […]


Launch Invitation

Labour History and the “Coolie Question” A special issue of Labour History, no. 113 (November 2017) edited by Diane Kirkby and Sophie Loy-Wilson Launch hosted by Julia Martínez When: 6–7.00pm (EST), Friday, 8 December 2017Where: Faculty of Law Boardroom, level 5, Building 5B, UTS, Haymarket NSW 2000.  Go to the Faculty of Law entrance on Quay […]